Martin Flubber Dsouza – The Award-Winning International Clown


Flubber the Clown aka Martin D’Souza is one of India’s most popular professional clown. With a passion for bringing clean wholesome family entertainment to kids and parents, he set about to pursue this unique offbeat career.


He is the former Vice President of the World Clown Association and the first ever Non-American to hold this post. He has been on the faculty of various American Clown Educational Programs. He won the International Clown of the year award in 2016 by WCA and has also won Event Management Industry Award (EEMA Spotlight) for being the Most Engaging Entertainer of the Year. Martin Flubber D’Souza is the producer of the International Clown festival in India. A home-grown IP in 2010.


Flubber performs at Malls, Carnivals, Events, Corporate family days, Events, Special Appearances, Movies, Advt. Films & Reality shows. He also visits hospitals and institutes as a ‘Caring Clown’.


Flubber creates original musical and circus productions for schools and special events.


He teaches clowning and entertainment to kids, youth and young adults. He has taught over 1000 youth various skills of clowning, mime, juggling, unicycling, compering and entertainment.


Flubber has performed in USA, Canada, China, Malayasia, Thailand, Ireland, Dubai and across 25 cities in India.

Quirky Facts on Flubber

Eleventy Eleven


Place of Birth:

Favorite Colors:
Red Yellow and Blue

Bubbly, Electrifying

Eggs & Mince &

Strawberry Milkshake

Magic, Juggling,

Dancing & Laughing



To make the world a better place by making families laugh together, through family friendly live entertainment.


To Globally promote professional performing arts and transform lives and livelihood thorough character based professional family entertainers and entertainment.

Flubber’s Friends from Around the World

This September, Flubber and 25 clowns from 10 countries embarked on an unforgettable tour across India!

A Special Visit from Our Circus Family!

This year, we were delighted to welcome back our favorite circus couple, Jhoel Roque and Patricia, along with their adorable daughter, Olivia!

The Media Loved Us!

Our tour across India received tremendous media attention, with journalists following us to every city!

Flubber @ Malls

In May and June, Flubber and his team of Punchinellos have performed across various cities.

ICF travelling across India

The International Clown Festival is an annual festival that aims to showcase the art of clowning while 


Listen to Flubber’s Favourite Songs on